Dia: 27 de outubro de 2023
Local: The Fintech House (Av. Duque de Loulé 12 - Lisboa)
9h00 - 09h30 | Check-in & Welcome Coffee
9h30 - 09h50 | Opening remarks - Digital Vision Challenges for Financial Actors in Portugal
Hélder Rosalino, Banco de Portugal
09h50 - 10h30 | Cloudification VS Multification - From Here to Where?
Manuel Rosa, Microsoft
Paulo César Lima, Banco Universo
10h30 - 10h45 | Coffee Break
10h45 - 11h45 | Open Banking from here to where?
Bruno Oliveira, KPMG Portugal (moderador)
Vitor Ferreira, Qubitz
Miguel Carrilho, Banco BiG
Ricardo Chaves, AI Center of Excelence at Banco BPI
Luís Melo, Banco Montepio
11h45 - 11h55 | Closing Remarks
António Ferrão, Fintech Solutions