Quarterly report by PZPM and KPMG „Automotive industry. Edition Q2/2020”
„Automotive industry. Edition Q2/2020”
In Q1 2020, 107,6 thousand new passenger cars were registered – 23% less in comparison to the Q1 2019. Compared to 2019 it can be noted that the institutional segment decreased by 20,7% and the retail segment decreased by 27,3%. In Q1 2020, the value of automotive manufacturers’ production sold amounted to PLN 38.6 bln, i.e. 7.4% less than in the previous year (in nominal terms).
The full version of the report is available only to registered users.
In Q1 2020 less than 2,5 million new passenger cars were registered in the European Union – i.e. 25.6% less than in the corresponding period a year ago. The sharp decline in registrations was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The highest number of passenger cars was registered in Germany, France and Italy.
The aim of this series of quarterly reports is to present current trends in the Polish automotive industry, including automotive retail, manufacturing and financial services. Analysis is based on the most recent registrations, statistical and market data and is a result of a joint endeavour by the Polish Automotive Industry Association and KPMG in Poland.
Spis treści | Contents
- Podsumowanie | Overview
- Gospodarka w Polsce i UE | Economy in Poland and the EU
- Rynek i przemysł motoryzacyjny w UE | Automotive retail and manufacturing in the EU
- Otoczenie podatkowe i regulacyjne | Tax and regulatory environment
- Rynek motoryzacyjny w Polsce | Automotive retail in Poland
- Samochody osobowe | Passenger cars
- Rejestracje nowych SO | New PC registrations
- Rejestracje nowych SO – paliwa alternatywne | New PC registrations – alternative fuels
- Rejestracje nowych SO – segmenty | New PC registrations – segments
- Samochody dostawcze | Light commercial vehicles
- Pojazdy ciężarowe, przyczepy i naczepy | Commercial vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- Autobusy | Buses & coaches
- Jednoślady | Powered two-wheelers
- Samochody osobowe | Passenger cars
- Motoryzacyjne usługi finansowe w Polsce | Automotive financial services
in Poland- Leasing | Leasing
- Ubezpieczenia | Insurance
- Przemysł motoryzacyjny w Polsce | Automotive manufacturing in Poland
- Wyniki produkcyjne i finansowe | Production and financial results
- Inwestycje | Investments
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