Report: 30 years of American investments in Poland

Report: 30 years of American investments in Poland

There are more than 1,500 companies with American capital operating in Poland. These companies stand out primarily for their size and profitability, as compared to other foreign companies. Every fifth American company in Poland is a large company, i.e. it employs over 250 people, while among all non-financial entities operating in Poland only 0.2% are large companies.

Stacy Ligas | KPMG in Poland

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Poland

Building tower contour

The United States is the second most important source of investment capital in Poland, accounting for 11% of the total value of all direct investments in our country, and its actual value reaches USD 62.7 billion. Since the 1990s, when capital from across the Atlantic began to flow into Poland, the activity of American companies has become one of the strongest and most important pillars of the Polish economy. The incoming capital not only brought financial assets to our economy, but also significantly contributed to the popularization of new technological solutions - structural, organizational and manufacturing solutions, which had been previously implemented in the USA, and which also stimulated Polish companies to innovate in their own products and services.

The labor market is also not without significance. With more than 1,500 companies with American capital creating new jobs in Poland each year, employment growth is estimated at approximately 267,000 employees. From 2010-2018, companies with American capital doubled their employment rates in Poland, and although the capital is the main place of registration of American companies, as much as 57 percent of investment is located outside the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, among others in Wielkopolska, Pomorskie Voivodeship and Małopolska. This also shows that the distribution of investments covers the whole country, stimulating industry, influencing the development of local communities and generating employment growth in various regions of Poland. American entities willingly cooperate with universities and schools, invest in research and development and carry out CSR activities. Thanks to this, they not only contribute to the growth of innovativeness in the Polish economy, but also raise the ethical standards of doing business. The United States is a significant importer of goods and services from Poland, being the eighth biggest market for Polish industrial products and the fifth biggest market in receiving services from Poland.

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