Global business services in life sciences: a window to the future
Global business services in life sciences
Global business services can help companies yield sustainable improvements and unlock value.
The significant, early business enhancements that pharmaceutical companies first achieved through offshore shared services and outsourcing have diminished over time, causing companies to look for a more transformative model that yields sustainable improvements, not only in efficiency gains but also in unlocking value.
One important means of achieving these results is the establishment of global business services (GBS), a cross-functional, globe-spanning model that integrates resources, capabilities and systems throughout the entire enterprise. GBS includes shared services and outsourcing in the model and then goes beyond to extend the operational improvements further into every corner of the organization.
The report explains the orientation of end-to-end processes as part of GBS that can enable a company to adopt new technologies more rapidly and benefit from them faster. The report also clearly lays out the five benefits, the 10 dimensions and five levels of maturity of GBS.
This report provides a great starting point for any life sciences organization trying to achieve true success in the future or for those companies looking to overcome some stumbling blocks along the way.
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