European Debt Sales 2016 Dashboard

European Debt Sales 2016 Dashboard

A downloadable interactive dashboard that provides key statistics on the macroeconomic and loan markets in key countries.


We are delighted to provide alongside our European Debt Sales 2016 report a downloadable interactive dashboard that provides key statistics on the macroeconomic and loan markets for each of the countries featured, which draws upon the data of transactions KPMG member firms have tracked throughout 2015. We hope that you will find this dashboard both easily accessible and useful.

Download the file.

Installation and operating instructions

Installation instructions

  1. Save the ‘European Debt Sales.qvf’ file into your computer.
  2. Download the Qlik Sense Desktop from here. You will need to sign up for a free download version on the right hand side.
  3. Once you submit your details, the download should start automatically – please click “Run” to install. 
  4. Once you have installed it, open the “Qlik Sense Desktop” app from your toolbar (The app icon should appear in your Windows sidebar that pops up when you press the Windows/Start icon)
  5. Drag and drop the file (saved in Step 1) into the app.
  6. The app should then automatically open the file – you will then be able to access the dashboard and start to explore the visual analytics presented.

Operating instructions

  1. Click on the individual tiles (Data Dictionary, Transaction Tracker etc.) to open the Dashboard sheets.
  2. Click on the arrows to go to previous/next sheets of the dashboard.
  3. Data filters can be applied through the drop down boxes.
  4. Data filters applied are shown on the top of the dashboard. Filters can be removed by clicking on the circled cross. User can select and apply multiple data filters to the dashboard. Users can also click on the graph/chart colours to apply the filters to the dashboard.

Learn more

KPMG member firms have a network of dedicated professionals implementing sophisticated visual analytics solutions that can help clients improve the way they access, interact and visualise their data resulting in better informed decisions. To learn more about how KPMG can help you design visual analytics solutions, please contact Andrew Jenke ( or Nicholas Colman (

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