Frontiers in Finance – December 2015

Frontiers in Finance – Dec 2015

Article Posted date15 Dec. 15

The two most powerful influences on financial services have been the regulatory environment and innovation.

Illuminated tower in 2015

Twin forces: Innovation and regulation

We have devoted a great deal of effort in the years since the global financial crisis to trying to understand the fundamental changes impacting the financial services industry and gauging how they might develop in the future. Probably the two most powerful influences have been the regulatory environment and innovation. The pace of change and innovation in the industry is irrefutable and appears to be accelerating. Meanwhile the impacts of regulatory change and technological innovation are becoming linked in unforeseen and significant ways.

Articles featured in this edition

  • The great game changer: How the internet of things will utterly transform the insurance sector. How insurance executives can best prepare for the advantages that will be delivered tomorrow.
  • A new era in bank governance: UK individual accountability rules put spotlight on international banks. Looking at the Senior Managers Regime and its global implications.
  • Investment management: A passport to growth in Asia Pacific. Recent developments in the region’s regulatory landscape offer new promise for foreign players and local markets alike.

Other articles in this issue

  • Building a strong insurance risk culture. Organizations with mature risk cultures are more likely to make decisions that satisfy long-term business goals and meet regulatory demands.
  • The impact of regulatory reform in banking continues to shape the sector. While banks try to address specific regulatory issues, there is concern about how they affect the ‘big picture’ of the banking industry.
  • Transforming the insurance sector: How machines will change the game for insurers. Will the next round of competition in the insurance sector be fought, and won, by machine learning?
  • The challenges and complexities of AEOI implementation. Evidence of tax evasion has spurred support for a common reporting standard to catch evaders no matter where they reside.
  • The insurance innovation imperative. Insurers and intermediaries need a ‘winning formula’ for embedding innovation into their people, products or processes.


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