Digital Business: It’s time for CIOs to lead or get out of the way

Digital Business: Enabling the digital enterprise

Digital disruption is rapidly changing the way that companies create and deliver value

traveling down a blue tunnel

Several years ago, digital disruption was something happening to someone else, to a few companies in select industries. Today, everyone is talking about digital disruption and it is fast becoming a reality for most companies across most industries. Many organizations are either experiencing or expect to experience some form of significant digital disruption within two years, but at the same time few appear really prepared for it and lack an enterprise-wide strategy that fully reflects how digital will change their business.

The speed and scope of digital disruption will continue to increase, forcing businesses to respond with or without their IT function. This leaves many CIOs with a narrowing window of time to seize the opportunity to redefine their role and change the way that technology drives value throughout their organizations.

KPMG research has revealed four pillars for digital success that can assist businesses and CIOs in helping navigate a successful transition. Please download the report to learn more.

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