Chief Tax Officer Outlook
Chief Tax Officer Outlook
Never before has the tax department played such an integral role in the success of the business. All round the world, Chief Tax Officers (CTOs) are expected to align tax with business goals, drive strategic value, increase transparency, and improve the efficiency of tax operations.
Top-of-mind issues facing tax leaders today
This publication is designed to highlight top-of-mind issues for tax executives and review some of the ways CTOs are addressing these opportunities and challenges, offering fresh ideas and practical and actionable insights to help CTOs demonstrate the value tax departments bring to organizations.
Five global tax issues covered in this second edition:
- How technology is changing the tax department
- Aligning resources to respond to BEPS
- Elevated external auditor scrutiny
- US corporate tax reform
- Evolving tax operations for the present and the future
The previous issue of this publication can be viewed here.
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