KPMG in Poland is a partner of the EFC
18 Jun. 18 - 20 Jun. 18, 1:30PM - 3:00PM, CET Sopot, Poland
European Financial Congress in Sopot will commence on 18 – 20 June 2018. The leading theme for the eight edition of the Congress will be “On the centenary - for an innovative and secure future of the financial sector”. The event consists of 35 parallel panels, 3 plenary sessions and 2 workshops which will host over 1000 estimated participants.
Theme panels are organized in 6 program sections: “Balanced and socially responsible economy growth”, “Attractiveness and risk of investments in Poland”, “Capital market growth”, “Innovations and their influence on financial institutions business models and system risk”, “Business and risks on banking market” and “Crisis restructurisation of enterprises and banks”.
KPMG in Poland is a partner of the Congress since the first edition.
Confirmed panels with KPMG experts:
19 June | 09:30 – 10:45 | Marco Polo E
“Challenges for CFOs in the face of technological changes”
Stacy Ligas, Partner, Head of Financial Services Audit, Head of Financial Services in Poland and CEE
19 June | 13.45 – 15.00 | Columbus AB hall:
“How can financial institutions win the fight for the client in an increasingly competitive market?”
Jerzy Kalinowski, Board of Directors Advisor
20 June | 09.00 – 10.15| Baltic Panorama hall:
“How can we help Polish fintechs to become successful?”
Jerzy Kalinowski, Board of Directors Advisor
20 June | 10.45 – 12.00 | Baltic Panorama hall:
“Digital transformation and customer-oriented strategy – a look beyond the front office”
Leszek Wroński, Partner, Head of Advisory Services at KPMG in Poland and CEE
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Grand opening of VIII European Financial Congress is planned on 18 June, 13:00. Last debate will finish on 20 June, 15:00.
Congress programme:
Gdansk Institute for Market Economics – Gdansk Banking Academy is the official organizer of the Congress. Participation is paid – registration is maintained by the organizer.
Event location: Sheraton Sopot Hotel, Powstańców Warszawy 10, 81-718 Sopot