On 9th January 2018, The 8th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress took place in Warsaw.

9 Jan. 18, 9:00AM - 3:00PM, CET

This year's edition brought together over 1100 representatives of the management staff, including primarily financial directors, chief accountants, heads of financial reporting and controlling from companies from all sectors of the economy. Participants listened to 11 lectures of KPMG experts on important changes in the areas of taxation, accounting and law, which will have a significant impact on entrepreneurs in 2018.

KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress is the largest project of this type in Poland, organized by the auditing and consulting company KPMG since 2011.

During the event, upcoming changes in the legal acts concerning PIT, VAT, CIT and transfer prices were introduced. Technological trends in taxes, a new relief for R & D and other business challenges awaiting entrepreneurs in 2018 were also presented. KPMG experts discussed new IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 standards as well as topics related to transaction control increasing tax efficiency. Speakers also raised the issue of Cyber ​​Security CFOs and discussed a new approach to personal data protection (RODO).

As in previous years, a study on the Polish tax system was conducted among the participants of the Congress. Its aim is to get to know the assessment of the Polish tax system from the point of view of top-level staff employed in enterprises from various industries throughout Poland. The results will be the basis for the preparation of the report, titled "The Polish tax system according to the participants of the 8th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress", which will be released soon.

The 8th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress was broadcast live on the Internet. The entire course of the event was reported on Twitter on the official @KPMGPoland twitter.com/KPMGPoland account.

The organizer and content patron of the Congress is KPMG in Poland. The patrons of the 8th edition of the Congress were: ACCA Poland, Radio TOK FM, Puls Biznesu, Bank, Finanse i Controlling, Gazeta Finansowa, Harvard Business Review Polska, ICAN Institute, My Company Polska, Nowy Przemysł, Polish Market, Przegląd Podatkowy, Wydawnictwo Rachunkowość, Warsaw Business Journal, Wolters Kluwer, aleBank.pl, eGospodarka.pl, gf24.pl, inwestycje.pl, ISB News, ksiegowosc.org, PIT.pl, portalfk.pl, rachunkowosc.org, wnp.pl, VAT.pl.

 Detailed information about the event, including the agenda and presentation of speaker profiles available at kpmg.com/pl/kongresKPMG


8th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress
8th KPMG Tax and Accounting Congress

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Congress subjects:

● Split payment and other VAT novelties

● Selected 2018 CIT amendments and their impact on theeffective tax rate

● Not only Single Audit File – technological trends in the world andtheir impact on the Polish tax environment

● Ministry of Finance tax alerts. How does the contact with theofficials work in practice

● PIT and social insurance – 2018 novelties

● Transfer pricing at the times of full transparency

● New, increased tax credit for R&D

● IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 16Leases – facts and myths about their implementation

● How to survive an audit of a transaction that increased the taxefficiency? Proper documentation is the key to success!

● CFOs as objects of advanced cyberattacks

● General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – new reality in thefield of protection of personal data. Changes for accountants.

The Congress was held in Polish