Wojciech Hann

Senior Advisor, Deal Advisory

KPMG in Poland

Wojciech Hann has over 25 years of experience in investment banking and corporate finance. He has advised on over 100 transactions, primarily in energy and resources, renewables, green transformation financing, but also in banking, engineering, construction, food, IT, petrochemical and many other, for clients in Poland, Europe, Asia, USA. He was the CEO, and the President of the Management Board of BOŚ S.A., the Polish green bank. In 2016-2019, he was a member of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, the Polish development bank, supervising the Sales and Products Area. He was also the managing director of Ipopema Securities. Previously, he also gained experience in global advisory firms as well as investment banking at CA IB / Unicredit Markets & Investment Banking. From 2021, the chairman of the Board of Trustees (Rada Uczelni) of the University of Wrocław.