KPMG in Poland is an active member of chambers of commerce and industry associations operating in the country. KPMG experts take part in representing the economic interests of entities operating on the Polish market and support working groups operating within these organizations with their knowledge and experience. As a member of chambers and associations, KPMG in Poland participates in discussions, trainings and events aimed at creating an attractive business environment and increasing the investment attractiveness of the country and individual industries.

Membership in chambers

  1. American Chamber of Commerce in Poland
  2. French-Polish Chamber of Commerce
  3. Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  4. Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce
  5. Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland
  6. Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland "Shokokai"

Membership in associations

  1. ProProgressio Foundation
  2. Gdańsk Business Club
  3. Club 500 - Łódź
  4. Confederation Lewiatan
  5. International Alternative Fuels Association
  6. Polish Association of Capital Investors
  7. Pomeranian employers
  8. CFO Club
  9. The Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA)
  10. Polish Chamber of Commercial Real Estate