Power BI Report Builder is a compelling tool for creating paginated reports that can be easily published to the Power BI service. You can download it from the official Microsoft website.
After installation you can quickly compliment standard Power BI report with the paginated report. Furthermore if you are familiar with DAX language you can copy a DAX query from performance analyzer and paste it in the data source in Report Builder. With the help of intuitive wizard you create a table, then format it and voila – your paginated report is ready to be published.
Power BI Report Builder is a great tool to compliment your standard Power BI reports. You can download it from the official Microsoft website. If you need to prepare or print tables with many rows and you need pixel perfect output then this tool will help you instantly.
Nowadays cloud-based services meet many business challenges. That is why you will probably want to connect to Azure SQL Database. Next mandatory step is to create a data source. User can create a table or matrix with the help of wizard or step by step by himself. In this demo we chose the second option. At the beginning you can start by creating a header, footer, title or by placing the logo of your company. As you can see user have a full designer control.
If you are familiar with DAX queries you will quickly have a grasp of Report Builder language. These expressions can be intimidating but only at the beginning.
Proper formatting can transform any table into visual appealing visualization. Fonts, backgrounds, headlines, borders, conditional formatting, visibility options allow you to personalize the final output of your data. The property pane will fully meet the expectations of the designers and the report consumer.
In the meantime if you realize that you need an additional column with values based on other existing columns you can add it and format it. Columns can contain data or indicators and can be grouped. This is important feature, along with aggregations, especially if your report contains a lot of rows. Thanks to these features data can be analyzed much faster. Trends, things that need further explanations are visible right away. During the report presentations many different can be asked. Fortunately thanks to the possibility of updating the data source and creating new calculated columns you do not need to start from the beginning. You can easily modify your report and publish it with the updates.
If the report consumer is used to standard visualizations, you can meet his expectations by placing for example small bar chart inside a table.
Your report can look like that and this is just a scrap of Power BI Report Builder possibilities. Stay tuned for more BI blog post from KPMG.