The Pulse of Fintech - Q3'17 Quarterly analysis of global investment trends in the fintech sector

The Pulse of Fintech - Q3'17

Quarterly analysis of global investment trends in the fintech sector.

the pulse of fintech q3'17

Given the significant interest in fintech globally, and its ongoing evolution in terms of market drivers, technologies and potential use-cases, KPMG is bringing you pulse of fintech investment globally. Each quarter, we’ll highlight key fintech deals, issues and challenges seen around the world, in addition to key trends and insights related to fintech in key regions, including the Americas, the US, Asia and Europe.

Total global fintech funding was a strong US$8.2 billion in Q3’17, after more than doubling to US$9.3 billion in Q2. Although deal volume declined, the US$8.2 billion of investment stood well above the $6.3 billion raised in Q3’16. Venture capital (VC) investment in fintech in Q3’17 saw a five quarter high of $3.3 billion, although the total was well shy of the record $7.4 billion raised in Q3’15.

We examine these trends and other issues in this quarter’s report, in addition to discussing a number of key questions driving investment and investor interest in the fintech market today, including:

  • What will the next evolution of the fintech market look like?
  • Are Asia-based fintech hubs set to become the base for fintech’s future?
  • Is blockchain truly on the cusp of becoming production-capable?
  • Will regtech be the focus of the next big investment wave?

See the full report for details.

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