Frontiers in Finance

Frontiers in Finance

The focus of the latest issue of Frontiers in Finance is on having the courage to change.

The focus of the latest issue of Frontiers in Finance is on having the courage to change.

Digital transformation in financial services

In this edition of Frontiers in Finance, we look closely at the digital enterprise - how new technology and digital labour can help financial institutions cope with regulations, financial inclusion and delivering cost efficient products and services.

Executives today are looking at how to bring innovation alive in financial services, and create organizations that balance today's customer needs with preparation for a future that could look very different. The adoption rate of technological innovations increases as they are proven successful, and the difficulty for management is to assess when, and how boldly, to place their bets. Leaders in financial services have to determine the fundamental business cases for these new observers, allowing others to take the lead in the first wave of introduction? The articles in this edition will focus more closely on some of these opportunities. 

Please reach out to your KPMG contact to discuss any of the articles in this issue.

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