Building a technology advantage
Building a technology advantage
Despite huge investments in technology, the construction industry is struggling to gain the full benefits of advanced data and analytics, drones, automation, robotics and visualization. That’s the key finding from the Global Construction Survey 2016: Building a technology advantage, the 10th annual state-of-the-industry report from KPMG.
The scale, ambition and complexity of today’s engineering and construction projects are nothing short of breathtaking. Buildings are getting taller, wells are getting deeper and bridges are getting wider. Operating at the forefront of some of the world’s greatest challenges, construction is becoming greener and more sustainable, improving social conditions and tackling human and natural disasters.
Technology plays an integral part in helping the industry to realize these goals by enabling enhanced design, planning and construction. Yet, despite huge investments in technology, the sector is struggling to reap the full benefits of advanced data and analytics, drones, automation and robotics.
For the first time, we’ve jointly surveyed both project owners and engineering and construction companies on a number of current issues to understand whether their views are aligned or whether there are marked differences. We continue to look at how to improve project management, but with the added perspective of a technology lens.
Explore the findings by reading the articles and viewing the videos below, or downloading the complete report.
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Building a Technology Advantage
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