ConsumerCurrents 21

ConsumerCurrents 21

This issue of ConsumerCurrents we look at the ways that consumer companies are achieving growth and competitiveness during an era where demographics are shifting, data is prolific, brand values are in question and innovation is constant. In particular, we explore the rapidly changing market of Africa, arguably the greatest opportunity facing retailers and brands today. We talked to the CEOs of Pioneer Foods and Danone Africa to discover firsthand what strategies are being deployed by organically grown and foreign-owned enterprises.


This issue of ConsumerCurrents we look at the ways that
consumer companies are achieving growth and competitiveness during an era where demographics are shifting, data is prolific, brand values are in question and innovation is constant. In particular, we explore the rapidly changing market of Africa, arguably the greatest opportunity facing retailers and brands today. We talked to the CEOs of Pioneer Foods and Danone Africa to discover firsthand what strategies are being deployed by organically grown and foreign-owned enterprises.

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