A timely event that will provide insights on Key Regulatory Updates and Issues.
19 May 2017, 12:00PM - 2:00PM, PST
The KPMG Executive Roundtable on Key Regulatory Updates and Issues is a timely event that will provide insights on the following areas: Recovery Planning, Credit risk-New Standardized Approach and revisions to IRB, New Basel approach to Operational Risk, Basel Liquidity measures, IFRS9 including implications for provisioning, and Anti-money laundering. The guest speaker for the event is KPMG Head of ASPAC Financial Services Regulatory Centre of Excellence in Hong Kong Simon Topping. The roundtable will be co-chaired by KPMG RGM&Co. Vice Chairman and Head of Advisory Henry D. Antonio and KPMG RGM&Co. Advisory Partner Jeffree Mae M. Tapia.
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