Hayley Pang

Senior Manager, Department of Professional Practice

KPMG Australia

As a senior manager in the Australian firm’s technical financial reporting group, Hayley assists entities and KPMG engagement teams with identifying and resolving application issues for a wide range of financial reporting topics and complex accounting issues.

Hayley advises across all reporting subject matter with a particular emphasis on lease accounting, impairment of non-financial assets and employee benefits. She regularly presents internally and externally on emerging accounting and regulatory issues.

Hayley has experience in the UK and Australia, and has worked at KPMG for over 5 years. Prior to working in the technical group she gained experience in the Audit division of KPMG.

  • Accounting standards
  • Audit
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Financial Reporting
  • Leases
  • Mining
  • Oil and Gas
  • Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales