Our CSR Mandate
KPMG takes pride in supporting professional groups, organisations, and worthy causes that are important to our customers, employees and people throughout PNG. KPMG has built partnerships with various organising committees, events and charities who champion, cultural unity, professional development, education, sports, empowerment of women, health and well-being.
One of the key pillars of our CSR mandate is that of “Education”. While much has been written about the decline in quality of PNG education in the primary to secondary school level, not much is talked about in regards to the business community. Our CSR mandate has identified two secondary schools (Badihagwa and Tokarara) who we have raised our engagement with since the beginning of the year. Our CSR activities with the schools has ranged from donating much needed office furniture to refurbishing existing recreational infrastructure such as basketball courts.
Commitment to our local communities is at the heart of who we are and to everything we work to achieve. We work in partnership with non-profit organisations across all three of the Islands, and are proud of a wide range of initiatives to engage our people, our clients and our communities.
We take our role as a corporate citizen seriously, and KPMG remains at the forefront of serving and strengthening our markets and communities in tangible ways. It’s core to our purpose and part of our legacy.
About the Commitee
The CSR Committee started in 2019 with the mandate to discharge social responsibilities of KPMG in Papua New Guinea. The Committee meets once a month and run programs to help and support local communities. There are plans to increase member size and extend programs which remains a big agenda for committee this year.
The commitee regularly chooses a number of charities to work with over a given period of time, whether that is a bake sale, a sponsored run, volunteering or offering our professional services. All staff are encouraged to not only get involved in our charitable activities, but to also be the ones to suggest which charities we engage with and how we can help.
At KPMG we do what is right, we work together and we support our community for success