Bienvenido al centro de informes corporativos de KPMG, un espacio dinámico y centralizado para todos los informes corporativos, compromisos de gobierno y métricas de rendimiento de KPMG International, incluidos los informes financieros y de personas. Aquí encontrará información sobre cómo estamos ofreciendo servicios a nuestros clientes, impulsando la calidad de la auditoría, cumpliendo los compromisos medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) y impulsando la inclusión, la diversidad y la equidad (IDE) en nuestra red. Nos comprometemos a actualizar este espacio regularmente para mantener informadas a las comunidades a las que servimos sobre nuestro trabajo durante todo el año.
Un mensaje de nuestro Global Chairman y CEO
2021 fue un año de bandera para KPMG. Hemos logrado un crecimiento récord en un entorno empresarial desafiante con un enfoque implacable en nuestros valores, propósito y calidad.
Growing with purpose
2021 was a banner year for KPMG. We achieved record growth in a challenging business climate, unveiled KPMG: Our Impact Plan to help drive sustainable change across our organization, and launched an aggressive plan for our firm to help others achieve their environmental, social, and governance goals by embedding ESG in everything that we do.
To say it was busy would be an understatement. This year was the culmination of many years of hard work — four to be exact — when KPMG firms came together to chart a new trajectory for the organization and committed to a bold ambition to become the most trusted and trustworthy professional services firm.
Nothing is more important than earning the trust of our stakeholders, and we know that must be the foundation of our growth. Building it requires a relentless focus on our values, our purpose, and quality. And having achieved double digit growth in FY21, we are just beginning to see the benefits of being uncompromising on consistency and accountability in our actions. I am proud of KPMG and the great people that walk its halls — in person and virtually.
But now is not the time to rest. As we look forward to FY22, there is still a lot more that KPMG and clients need to do. The world still finds itself dealing with a pandemic, technology is reshaping all of business, and ESG issues, like climate change, social injustice and income inequality, need to be addressed. These are real, substantial challenges, but also vast opportunities to reshape the future, for better.
I am optimistic that better things are yet to come, and on behalf of all the great people here at KPMG, I wanted to thank our clients and everyone that works with us for the trust you have put in our organization and our people. We won’t let you down. Thank you.
FY21 Resumen financiero y de personas
Aspectos destacados de la empresa
Informe de Transparencia y Gobernanza 2021
KPMG's ESG commitments
Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity.