Last updated 8 February 2024

KPMG, a New Zealand partnership, and its controlled entities (together ‘KPMG’), undertakes to investigate any complaints we receive promptly and do what we can to resolve the concerns of anyone making a complaint.

If you have a complaint or are not satisfied with any aspect of your dealings with KPMG, you are invited to raise your concerns with the partner named in your engagement letter.

If you are not able to reach a satisfactory resolution in this way, please contact the National Risk Management Partner by emailing

If you are still not satisfied, you may be entitled to refer the matter to an external organisation.  This includes the following, where applicable to the services provided:  

  • Restructuring, Insolvency & Turnaround Association New Zealand Incorporated
    For a complaint involving a registered member of Association, please refer to
  • New Zealand Society of Actuaries
    For a complaint involving a member of this Society, please refer to
  • If you wish to report possible illegal, unethical or improper conduct involving KPMG or any of its people in any capacity and do not wish to follow any of the previous courses of action, you may make use of our international hotline

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