Like many businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand, the insurance sector is feeling the pressure of current circumstances. Economic and geopolitical uncertainty, along with the current and future impact of natural disasters and global warming, is changing the perception and reality of risk for all customers. Simultaneously, technology advances, changing regulations, supply chain risk, and people availability all impact the way we respond to the risk environment.
For most businesses, delivering measurable value cross every project and operational expense has become even more important in recent times, and the insurance industry is not immune to this. This is partly because in insurance the level of risk exposure and required compliance are often much higher than the average business.
KPMG recently released some global insights on cyber security considerations for the financial services sector.
In this article we take some of those insights and put them in the context of adding value to insurance companies through their cyber security spend, looking at several priority areas:
The insurance sector is well positioned to take a fact-based and value-driven approach to improving cyber security maturity and building out cyber security programmes of work. Not all cyber security ‘high-priorities’ should be treated equally, particularly in a sector exposed to unique external and internal risks that shift the balance of investment when viewed through a value-based lens.
Get in touch
Matthew Evetts
Partner - Digital & Cyber
KPMG in New Zealand
Nicholas Moss
Partner - Audit and Head of Insurance
KPMG in New Zealand