Software Asset Management

Software Asset Management

Software Asset Management

KPMG Software Asset Management Assistance | Helping you turn risk into value

Is software asset management (SAM) simply an exercise in compliance—a means of reducing unanticipated budgetary expenditure in the event of an audit by a software publisher? Or is there more to be gained by implementing greater sophistication in the control and management of software deployment? In the past few years, there has been a marked increase in software spend as well as software’s share of overall IT spend and this trend is increasing rapidly. The real value of SAM is its ability to help an organization control software costs and optimize software deployment.

Managing software assets effectively

SAM is a business practice designed to reduce IT costs, limit risks related to the ownership and use of software, and increase corporate-wide and IT efficiencies. The enhanced knowledge that comes via SAM can provide a range of benefits, including:

• Better insight into software usage and value
• Reduced over or under-licensing of software
• More efficient software maintenance
• Better buying decisions and negotiating power
• Improved system security, data integrity and data security
• Lower costs and greater efficiency

For further information, contact:

Bineeta Nand

Partner - IARCS

+64 9 367 5945


Nav Deo

Associate Director - IARCS

+64 9 367 5961



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