5 signs you need ERP Systems overhaul

5 signs you need ERP Systems overhaul

Close the gap. Get more done.

ERP systems

Is your ERP system effectively addressing all your business needs? After a while any platform becomes sluggish as support from the software developer ends and businesses have to introduce expensive customizations to fulfill requirements.If this sounds familiar, it’s time for change.

Typical signs that an overhaul is due:

Rigid Legacy Systems
Your ERP systems were installed as the business grew and the installations were ad hoc, without particular thought to how they would integrate with existing systems. Now, there is no cohesion among processes and each system works independently, none being utilised to its optimum. Business needs have outpaced system functionality and you worry about losing your competitive edge as other businesses are taking advantage of tools such as BI and Data Analytics.

Excel Rules!
Is your work force resorting to using Excel because certain processes are not supported by your ERP system? To circumvent this limitation, your people may have evolved their own methodology to complete tasks and it is inevitable that silos of information will be created, leading to duplication of work, ineffective reporting and inefficient monitoring. This implies that your ERP system is underperforming in certain areas and contributing to inefficiencies. So instead of simplifying and streamlining processes, your ERP system is creating unnecessary work, time delays and potential loss of revenue.

Unproductive Costs
Your administration costs have grown without a corresponding increase in efficiencies. ERP Systems have become expensive to maintain, their utilisation is not optimised and the expanding maintenance fees is breaking your IT budget and adversely impacting your bottom line.

Compliance is key
Is a “Culture of compliance” built in to your ERP system? Lack of proper access controls can compromise the integrity of your data exposing the business to issues such as fraud and quality problems and lead to protracted auditor scrutiny.

Unclouding the Cloud
It may be a vague, esoteric concept, but the Cloud is here to stay. Simply put, Cloud based systems enable the ERP to function from the data centre of the service provider. All you need is a PC and an internet connection. Businesses are rapidly adopting Cloud technology due to its clear cost advantage, flexibility and nimbleness. The Cloud facilitates centralised data storage, net based access to services and capabilities and efficiencies in task sharing. It also helps illuminate new perspectives and augments decision making so you are wholly competitive in the evolving market place. Can your applications be accessed from the Cloud?

If your business showing these 5 signs, Microsoft Dynamics AX could help solve your ERP dilemma.

A Microsoft AX solution deployment will:

  • Integrate with your legacy systems and existing solutions.
  • Give you industry specific functionality.
  • Accommodate customisation, where required.
  • Reduce maintenance costs and training lag.
  • A fully integrated ERP system will allow anytime anywhere (mobile) access to all users enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

KPMG can help your business deploy a quick, rapidly accepted and cost effective Microsoft Dynamics AX solution. Get in touch with:

Dario Tommasi
Associate Director - IT Advisory
+64 9 363 3294

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