Beyond borders
Beyond borders
New Zealand tax guides for internationally mobile people and businesses.
Tax systems rarely have much regard for the comfort of foreign visitors. Given that tax rules are different in each country – it can be one of the more complex and bewildering parts of trying to relocate, or do business, across a border.
KPMG has an international network of professionals who can help you navigate the complexity and difficulties of doing business, or living and investing, in multiple tax jurisdictions.
We have prepared two guides to assist you in understanding some of the key aspects of New Zealand tax that you should be aware of before moving either yourself or your business here.
The guide for individuals addresses three core aspects of your move: tax and immigration residence, tax on investments and trusts.
The guide for businesses covers issues for both businesses coming to New Zealand and those businesses looking to expand offshore.
Some of the key themes that should be considered before any cross border move are also summarised below.
Establishing a new business in New Zealand
Income tax, personal income tax, tax equalisation, employer tax obligations, GST, transfer pricing and customs, financial reporting.
Expanding offshore
Managing foreign taxes, business structure, equity compensation, corporate governance.
Managing expatriates
Employee transfer versus contract, accommodation benefits, trans-tasman projects, Australian LAFHA, Australian temporary residents.
Moving to New Zealand
Tax residence, foreign equities, financial arrangements, superannuation, your own business.
Investing in New Zealand and offshore
Foreign equities, financial arrangements, Portfolio Investment Entities (PIEs).
Offshore trusts
Classification of trusts, managing trust status and distributions.
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