Agribusiness Agenda 2012 - People unlocking the future
Agribusiness Agenda 2012
KPMG Agribusiness Agenda 2012, titled People Unlocking The Future is based on interviews and survey data involving 98 industry leaders.
KPMG’s Agribusiness Agenda 2012, find New Zealand's agribusiness sector must join forces and collaborate to articulate the industry's potential, secure a fair share of future leadership talent and evolve an innovation ecosystem.
In Agribusiness Agenda 2011 we stated that there were great opportunities in international markets as demand for safe, sustainable, high quality food continues to grow around the world.
In 2012, there is now a clear realisation that the world will not spoon feed us opportunities. Rather, success will be earned ‘customer by customer’ through the hard work, imagination and passion of talented people. The kind of people who maintain a wider perspective of the world we live in – while producing high quality food, fibre and timber products that embody the best of New Zealand’s resources and abilities.
To succeed in the world stage, New Zealand primary industry needs an overarching strategy, to develop New Zealand’s agribusiness brand as the best quality, safer and most innovative products in the market. Industry leaders have to work closely with the government, for their scale, resources and ability to implement policy changes to support the overarching strategy.
Key findings from People Unlocking The Future
- The talent, motivation, education and commitment of the people working in the primary sector will have the biggest influence on the future of the industry.
- The sector has failed to secure its fair share of talent in the last few decades.
- 81% believed that there would be some benefit from creating a pan industry vision and strategy for New Zealand’s primary sector.
- A compelling strategy will help articulate the opportunities in the sector to those considering making their career in the industry.
- There is a general view that increased collaboration will help everybody do better.
- There is a major role for industry good organisations that are focused on an agenda of items that supports the wider industry and are engaged with levy payers.
- Innovation can’t be left to government; companies need to take the lead.
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