KPMG Agribusiness Agenda 2011 - Realising global potential
Agribusiness Agenda 2011 - Realising global potential
A comprehensive report on the 38 key recommendations for New Zealand agribusiness.
The second edition of the KPMG Agribusiness Agenda provides a detailed analysis of the sector, focused on ideas to enable New zealand agribusiness to capture the potential that exists for the sector in global markets.
It follows interviews we had with more than 80 agribusiness industry leaders. Many interviewees also completed the New Zealand Agribusiness Survey where they rated the significance of a number of issues concerning the future of the New Zealand agricultural sector.
Based on our in-depth discussions with agribusiness industry leaders, in our view, it's about time:
- for commercial collaborations and market integration with customers to create transformational innovation
- to recognise that strategic foreign co-investment in our agricultural sector has the potential to unlock significant economic value for New Zealand
- for the Government to consider preferential funding mechnaisms for students wanting to pursue subjects critical to the economy, like agricultural studies
- for a reasoned and informed debate on issues that will define the future of New Zealand agriculture, such as genetic technologies and farm intensification
- for funding pro-active research into biosecurity threats to maintain our predominantly disease free status
- to invest in technology to maximise productivity and value realised behind the farm-gate.
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