Sophie Hart

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Lead

KPMG in New Zealand


Ko Tākitimu te pae mauka whakaruruhau
Ko Waiau te awa o te rohe
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Kai Tahu te iwi
Ko Takutai o te Tītī tōku marae
Nō Aparima ahau
E mahi ana au ki Ōtautahi inaianei

I am deeply rooted in my personal identity, which propels my commitment to making a positive impact through my work. I have a background in creative technologies and human-centred design and my passion lies in ensuring that every individual feels valued for their unique contributions and perspectives and has equal opportunity to succeed. I firmly believe that diversity is crucial for fostering innovation, collaboration, and overall well-being.

Throughout my career, I have gained extensive experience in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) strategy. I have successfully led policy reviews and implemented initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion within KPMG and externally. Working closely with our executive committee, I provide valuable insights and track progress to drive continuous improvement in policies and practises. Passionate about social change, I strongly believe in the power of collaboration to make a real difference for our people, clients and communities. I actively seek partnerships and engage with diverse organisations and individuals to identify opportunities for collective action and drive sustainable change. Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi.

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