Corporate Governance Codes
Corporate Governance Codes
The Revised Code of Corporate Governance aims to align the code with current realities and global best practice, eliminate perceived ambiguities and strengthen governance practice
Code of Corporate Governance for Licensed Pension Operators
The Code of Corporate Governance essentially aims to set out rules based on best practices to guide PFAs (including CPFAs) and PFCs on the structures and processes to be used towards achieving optimal governance set
It is developed with a view to establishing overall economic performance and market integrity as it creates incentives for the pension scheme to impact positively on the stakeholders. This is necessary in gaining
the confidence of the stakeholders directly affected by the pension reform.
The Code is also to promote the transparent and efficient implementation of the scheme by all the operators. It is intended to encourage self-regulation by providing a common value system among the operators.
The Code is based on internationally accepted principles of good corporate governance and its requirements are consistent with the provisions of the Pension Reform Act 2004, rules, regulations and guidelines issued by the Commission and are also considered transparent and enforceable.
Code of Corporate Governance for Public Companies in Nigeria
It is generally agreed that weak corporate governance has been responsible for some recent corporate failures in Nigeria. In order to improve corporate governance, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), in September 2008, inaugurated a National Committee chaired by Mr. M. B. Mahmoud for the Review of the 2003 Code of Corporate Governance for Public Companies in Nigeria to address its weaknesses and to improve the mechanism for its enforceability.
In particular, the Committee was given the mandate to identify weaknesses in, and constraints to, good corporate governance, and to examine and recommend ways of effecting greater compliance and to advise on other issues that are relevant to promoting good corporate governance practices by public companies in Nigeria, and for aligning the Code with international best practices.
The Board of SEC therefore believes that this new Code of corporate governance will ensure the highest standards of transparency, accountability and good corporate governance, without unduly inhibiting enterprise and innovation. Whilst the Code is applicable to public companies, the Commission would like to encourage other companies not covered by the Code to use the principles set out in the Code, where appropriate, to guide them in the conduct of their affairs.
Code of Good Corporate Governance for the Insurance Industry in Nigeria
The intractable problem of risks and uncertainties has been the greatest challenge to humanity on this planet from time immemorial. This problem has remained unresolved despite the great advances that we have witnessed in the areas of science and technology over the years. From the social and economic viewpoint, insurance was the most ingenious creation of the human mind in response to this risk problem.
In recognition of this situation, most modern governments attach great importance to the quality and efficiency of their insurance industries. This explains why it has become imperative for each country to have an efficient insurance regulatory system to supervise the activities of the insurance industry. This concept of an insurance regulatory system was first embraced by Nigeria, on a modest scale in 1961 under the provisions of the Insurance Act of that year. With the expansion and increased sophistication of insurance business in Nigeria, a regulatory agency under the name of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), was created to perform this service as well as other services embodied in the enabling Act.
Companies and Allied Matters 1990
An Act to establish the Corporate Affairs Commission, provide for the incorporation of companies and incidental matters, registration of business names and the incorporation of trustees of certain committees, bodies and associations
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