Tax and People Services Business Brochure

Tax and People Services Business Brochure

KPMG Tax & People Services Business School offers a variety of training programmes aimed at equipping participants with requisite knowledge and skill to improve their technical skills and add value to the organisations they work for. We currently conduct our learning and development services via open training programmes or in-plants.


Our open training programmes provide participants the opportunity to network with individuals in diverse industries, and learn from industry-specific issues discussed during the interactive sessions of the training programmes.

They also afford companies the opportunity to identify, in advance, the relevant training programmes for their employees based on identified training needs. On the other hand, the in-plant training programme is specifically tailored to meet the organisation’s specific training need(s). Regardless of your choice of training type, KPMG will offer you an invaluable learning experience.

Beyond an understanding of key concepts, we understand that true value is added when our participants are able to apply these ideas to their roles in their current work practices. To achieve this objective, our team of facilitators are seasoned professionals.

Also, our training sessions are interspersed with examples to work through, experience sharing, mini quizzes, and oral Q&A to build a participative, easy-to-absorb, compelling session. At the end of the training programme, we provide copies of the presentation and pieces / extracts of the Nigerian tax laws, as may be required. We also follow-up with participants three months after each training programme to confirm that they have been able to apply the principles taught to their roles.

© 2025 KPMG Professional Services, a partnership registered in Nigeria and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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