This training program seeks to equip persons with finance and tax oversight.

13 November 2018, 9:00AM - 5:00PM, WAT Lagos, Nigeria

The Nigerian TP compliance landscape is steadily evolving, as the tax authorities attempt to keep pace with the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project. With the recent issuance of new TP Regulations which introduced a steep penalty regime, tax payers must be thoroughly educated on the new TP compliance requirements.

This training program seeks to equip persons with finance and tax oversight with the requisite knowledge required to understand and navigatethe complexities of the current TP compliance environment.

The training program takes a holistic view to TP compliance in light of the new TP Regulations and provides insight into practical aspects of compliance as it relates to high risk related party transactions such as commodities transactions, procurement arrangements, intra-group services, safe harbors and intangibles etc.

Thus, the training program is designed to help tax payers to achieve full compliance with the requirements of the new TP Regulations thereby mitigating their TP risk exposure by equipping them with a good understanding of the following:

  • the need to prepare/have a robust TP contemporaneous documentation to defend the arm’s length nature of their related party transactions;
  • the importance of compiling and maintaining relevant supporting documents that are likely to be requested by the FIRS during the TP audit;
  • how to determine whether taxpayers have complied with all the TP documentation requirements for financial years likely to be audited; and
  • how to perform a high level internal TP risk exposure analysis to ascertain how best to mitigate any TP risks prior to being selected for a TP audit.

In delivering the training program, we will use:

  • Instructor-led structured discussions and practical applications to ensure transfer of knowledge to participants.
  • Case studies and mini quizzes to boost participants’ understanding and assimilation.
Fee Timings

₦100,000 per participant (exclusiveof VAT). The fee covers tuition, course materials, lunch and refreshments.

We offer group discount of 5% for 2 to 4 participants and 10% discount for 5 or more participants.

Duration : 1 Day

Date: 13 November 2018

Time: 09:00am - 05:00pm

Venue/Location Target Participants

KPMG Tower

Bishop Aboyade Cole Street, Victoria Island, Lagos State

Tax Managers, Finance Managers, personnel involved in tax and/or Transfer Pricing compliance and persons in senior and executive management roles.


For Nominations and further enquiries, please contact: or


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