KPMG: Malaysian family businesses prioritize transgenerational entrepreneurship

The Edge, 27 May 2024

The latest report on family businesses by KPMG Private Enterprise in Malaysia was covered by multiple media outlets. Conducted in collaboration with the STEP Project Global Consortium, the survey highlights the challenges and opportunities facing family businesses, as well as strategies for maintaining a competitive edge in the future.

Family Business Tax Leader of KPMG Private Enterprise in Malaysia, Mr. Tai Lai Kok, said that “While majority of Malaysian family businesses are rooted in tradition and values, it is not enough to sustain in the long run. Our study found that integrating change and innovation, fueled by a culture of transgenerational entrepreneurship, can help drive family businesses towards building a successful legacy that withstands the test of time,” he explained.   

Full coverage via The Edge, Business Today and the attachment below:

Sinar Harian, 27 May 2024

Sinar Harian, 27 May 2024

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