Cloud adoption pivotal to Malaysia's digital leadership goals


While plans for cloud implementation have been in the works for several years, greater adoption of the technology is the focus of the Malaysia Digital Economy blueprint. The objective is to bring about a pivotal transition to achieve the country’s goal of becoming a regional leader in the digital economy.

There was a marked increase in the adoption of cloud services during the pandemic, spotlighting the critical need to strategically prepare for cloud adoption.

Alvin Gan, Head of Technology Consulting at KPMG in Malaysia said that it can be challenging for companies to decide on the best-suited cloud solutions and the right service provider to guide them in their cloud transformation strategy.

“Success is only possible if the entire organization recognizes that cloud transformation is a unified agenda between business and IT. Strong leadership from the top is always helpful as well, when embarking on something of this scale,” he added.

In the article, he also recommended that organizations embarking on cloud adoption should assess their expectations in four areas.

Read the full article as published by The Edge Malaysia or click here to read the online article.

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