Azmin: Malaysia remains a competitive destination for investors


Malaysia continues to be a competitive investment destination despite the current uncertainties, proven by its rankings in the global economic scene, said Senior Minister and International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

In a statement, Azmin said the DHL Global Connectedness Index (GCI) 2020 had positioned Malaysia second among Asia-Pacific countries and 16th out of 169 countries for trade connectivity.

He also said a joint study by (accounting advisory services provider) KPMG and the Manufacturing Institute in the United States titled “Cost of Manufacturing Operations Around The Globe also ranked Malaysia fourth among 17 economies in an assessment comparing the economy’s competitiveness as a manufacturing hub, positioning Malaysia ahead of countries in Asia such as China, Japan, Vietnam and India.

Read the full article as published by The Star  or read the online news article here. This news was also published in Berita Harian

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