Three potential challenges for HR in Malaysia in the next 12-24 months


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Just 39% of HR executives in Malaysia say their organization is adapting to the 'new reality' in light of COVID-19, with a similar group in the resilience phase. At the same time, 18% have moved on to support the organization to reset and identify opportunities.

Close to nine in 10 (87%) HR executives in Malaysia believe the function plays a leading role in responding to COVID-19, KPMG's recent 2020 HR Pulse Survey has found.

The survey also found that just 39% of HR executives in Malaysia say their organization is adapting to the 'new reality' in light of COVID-19. A similar 39% consider their organization to still be in the resilience phase, where they are involved in supporting and developing leaders and employees to manage through uncertainty.

Read the full online article here as published by Human Resources Online.

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