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在提交 2022 年财政预算案之后,金融法案于 2021 年 11 月 9 日发布,其中包含预算案中的一些公告以及其他一些值得注意的补充。

Following the tabling of the 2022 Budget, the Finance Bill was released on 9 November 2021 incorporating a number of announcements made in the Budget as well as some other notable additions. 

我们的《金融法案要点》旨在提供对包括直接税、产业盈利税及印花税在内的主要拟议税收变化的总体概述。 此要点不应被使用或依赖为详细咨询的替代品或制定业务决策的依据。

Our Finance Bill highlights are intended to provide a general overview of the key proposed tax changes covering direct taxes, real property gains tax as well as stamp duty. It should not be used or relied upon as a substitute for detailed advice or as a basis for formulating business decisions.


Further to our tax highlight of the Finance Bill 2021 Highlight, we are pleased to inform that the Mandarin version is now available in our portal.


The Finance Bill 2021 and the Finance Bill 2021 Highlight (Mandarin version) can be accessed via the above links. 


Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to email or contact any of our China Business Practice team:

欧莉君 - 税务总监
电话: +603 7721 7284

黄凯贤 - 税务经理
电话: +603 7721 7278

许禛文 - 资深税务顾问
电话: +603 7721 7375

涂伟杰 - 资深税务顾问
电话: +603 7721 7242