It’s now almost five years into the UN’s ambitious Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); how is Corporate Malaysia and the country as a whole faring towards achieving these goals?
According to the 2019 SDG Index and Dashboards Report, Malaysia ranked 68th out of 162 countries (4th among the ASEAN countries behind Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore).
At KPMG, we believe the opportunities are tremendous for companies to align their business operations with the SDGs. To guide companies towards that end, we’ve compiled valuable insights and guides that can be applied across sectors.
Firstly, we introduce the SDG Industry Matrix which was jointly produced by KPMG International and the UN Global Compact. The Matrix provides industry specific ideas for action with practical examples for each respective SDG, to encourage the private sector to develop innovative approaches regarding a more sustainable and inclusive path to economic growth. This may entail ensuring technologies and services reach low-income earners, ethical resource-efficient supply chains, improving worker skills, and increasing investment in renewable energy.
We also share best practices and recommended approaches on how to report on the SDGs.
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