The MOF has issued a Media Release on 30 December 2019 in respect of the Service Tax implications on imported services.  Please click on the above header link for a copy of the Media Release.

At present, businesses are required to self-account for 6% Service Tax on imported taxable services.  Effective 1 January 2020, digital services provided by foreign service providers (registered) will be subject to 6% Service Tax. 

Based on the Media Release, the following measures have been put in place by the Government to address the potential Service Tax cascading effect and price hike issues:-

i)      “Group relief” facility is extended to qualifying imported taxable services acquired from foreign service providers within the same group of companies;

ii)     Businesses are exempted from accounting for Service Tax on imported professional services and advertising services, provided such imported services are the same as the services provided by the recipient company;

iii)    Local service providers who have paid Service Tax to foreign service providers on digital services may make a claim for refund from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (“Customs”);

iv)    Distance learning services for preschool, primary and secondary education and tertiary education including vocational and professional training provided online, whether by local or overseas service providers are not categorized as a taxable service and not subject to Service Tax; and

v)     Online services such as e-newspaper and reading materials relating to educational, technical, scientific, historical or cultural journal or periodical are not categorized as a taxable service and not subject to Service Tax.

It is expected that further details on some of the above such as the effective date as well as conditions to qualify for exemption or refund will be made available soon.

Meanwhile, it was reiterated in the Media Release that Service Tax on digital services are chargeable on services and not goods to provide a level playing field for both local and overseas service providers. 

Customs will conduct roadshows relating to the implementation of Service Tax on digital services.  Further details can also be obtained from

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Contact KPMG

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact any of our Executive Directors, Directors, Associate Directors or Managers whom you are accustomed to dealing with or who are responsible for the tax affairs of your organisation at the following telephone numbers for respective offices:

Petaling Jaya Office

Tai Lai Kok
Executive Director –
Head of Tax and Head of Corporate Tax
+ 603 7721 7020

Long Yen Ping
Executive Director –
Head of Global Mobility Services
+ 603 7721 7018

Bob Kee
Executive Director –
Head of Transfer Pricing
+ 603 7721 7029

Ng Sue Lynn
Executive Director –
Head of Indirect Tax
+ 603 7721 7271

Soh Lian Seng
Executive Director –
Head of Tax Risk Management
+ 603 7721 7019

Nicholas Crist
Executive Director –
Corporate Tax
+ 603 7721 7022

Neoh Beng Guan
Executive Director – 
Corporate Tax
+ 603 7721 7025

Ong Guan Heng
Executive Director – 
Corporate Tax
+ 603 7721 7027

Chang Mei Seen
Executive Director – 
Transfer Pricing
+ 603 7721 7028

Ivan Goh
Executive Director – 
Transfer Pricing
+ 603 7721 7012


Evelyn Lee 
Executive Director –
Penang Tax
+604 238 2288 (ext. 312)

Regina Lau
Executive Director –
Kuching & Miri Tax
+6082 268 308 (ext. 2188)

Titus Tseu
Executive Director –
Kota Kinabalu Tax
+6088 363 020 (ext. 2822)

Ng Fie Lih
Executive Director –
Johor Bahru Tax
+607 266 2213 (ext. 2514)

Crystal Chuah Yoke Chin
Tax Manager –
Ipoh Tax
+605 253 1188 (ext. 320)