Neoh Beng Guan

Partner – Tax Compliance, BEPS Leader

KPMG in Malaysia

Beng Guan is a Partner of KPMG in Malaysia and Executive Director of KPMG Tax Services, specializing in corporate tax and BEPS. He has worked on engagements involving tax due diligence, tax assurance review, group tax planning, restructurings, review of financial projections and cash flow as well as structured finance products and applications for various tax exemptions.

He manages the tax affairs of numerous financial institutions and related financial services clients and advises public listed and multinational companies from various industries including banking and insurance, property development, plantation, manufacturing, trading and investment holding companies. 

  • Member, Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM)

  • Member, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)

  • Member, CPA Australia

  • Licensed Tax Agent, MOF