KPMG ranked #1 in overall quality for global financial services consulting

KPMG ranked #1 in overall quality for FS consulting

Source Global Research ranked 13 global organizations.


KPMG has recently announced it has been awarded top score for overall quality of work in financial services consulting according to the Source Global Research report, Perceptions of Consulting in Financial Services. The report ranks the 13 organizations identified as front-of-mind for 1,866 survey respondents, made up of direct and indirect clients and prospects of financial services consulting. Survey respondents ranked organizations on overall mindshare, quality and value.

Of the ranking, Jim Liddy, Chairman of Global Financial Services at KPMG International, said: “It's rewarding to be recognized by the industry and it fuels KPMG professionals to continue developing leading solutions and expertise to share with clients. Financial services firms have an unprecedented opportunity in today's connected global marketplace but they also face critical challenges with legacy infrastructure and industry disruptors. We are thrilled to see that clients and prospects recognize our leadership in this important field.”

Organizations were ranked on a number of factors, with KPMG member firms leading in: innovative approach, account management, methodologies used, quality of thought leadership and breadth of services. This year KPMG rose eight points in positive sentiment, a higher increase than any other organization measured.

Source Global Research specifically called out account management as an important factor in an organization's overall rating: “…many financial services clients are in the full swing of transformation programmes, requiring a firm to pull on its full breadth of skills to meet complex client needs; a good account manager facilitates access to the full gamut of a firm's capabilities, while a bad one acts as a gate-keeper.”

The survey asked respondents to rate organizations based on 13 services, the scores of which were tallied to provide one overall top-ranked organization across services. KPMG member firms were named first for overall quality by earning top marks for the following 13 services:

  • Business strategy
  • Financial management
  • Risk management
  • Regulatory-driven work
  • Legacy technology
  • Digital transformation
  • Other (non-digital) transformation
  • Taking advantage of robotics
  • Taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence
  • Data & analytics
  • Sales & marketing
  • HR & change management
  • Operational improvement

The results are based on 1,866 respondents to a survey of senior clients of consulting organizations and featured in Perceptions of Consulting in Financial Services published by Source Global Research. For more information about Source and its research please visit: Source Global Research.

About KPMG International

KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 153 countries and territories and have 207,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such

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