KPMG rated a global Leader in Corporate Services Consulting by ALM Intelligence

KPMG rated a Leader in Corporate Services Consulting

KPMG has been recognized as a leader among global providers for Corporate Services Consulting according to a new ALM Intelligence report

KPMG rated a global Leader in Corporate Services Consulting by ALM Intelligence

ALM's Vanguard report evaluates firms based on their capabilities to enable digital transformation, build next-generation operating models, unlock hidden value and rethink sourcing strategies. Leaders are deemed “at the top of the market” based on their ability to create client impact through their depth of expertise and ability to deploy it across diverse engagement models.

“KPMG continues to elevate the services and capabilities of its Connected Enterprise approach to business-led, digital transformation, driving a customer-first mindset for back-office transformation,” Liz DeVito, Associate Director, Management Consulting Research with ALM Intelligence, says in the report. “The organization has integrated intelligent automation into its Powered Enterprise solution, which is distinguished for its standout ability to rapidly improve support-function operational efficiency and agility, while simultaneously driving innovation throughout the organization.”

ALM ranks KPMG's Operating System 'Best in Class,' noting that KPMG's Powered Enterprise framework for digital transformation “helps transition the existing back-office operating model to one fit for the digital era. The solution provides pre-built target operating models aligned with pre-configured cloud solutions for finance, HR, procurement and IT as well as some front- and middle-office operations.”

“We are extremely proud of the work KPMG member firm professionals are doing every day to position organizations in every sector for growth and success in the digital era,” says Mark Spears, Global Head of Corporate Services, KPMG International. “ALM's report reinforces KPMG's ongoing dedication to leading the way among global Corporate Services providers and our commitment to helping global businesses solve today's unprecedented challenges.”

The ALM report praises KPMG's practice structure, noting that KPMG corporate services consultants collaborate with industry consulting leaders to provide “a matrixed approach to service delivery,” adding that clients also benefit from “access to consultants with specialist expertise and the network's service innovations through Global Centers of Excellence dedicated to specific industries and corporate functions.”

KPMG's service delivery model is also called out in the report, noting that KPMG's Connected Enterprise framework for digital transformation “provides a blueprint for designing a customer-centric operating model that builds experience attributes around brand, products and services, interactions and people.”

KPMG overall was rated “very strong” versus the competition for its Operating System and Enabling Tools and “strong” in the areas of: Needs Assessment, External Market Insight, Internal Client Insight, Strategy, Management System, Project Management and Client Capability Development.

KPMG rated a global Leader in Corporate Services Consulting by ALM Intelligence graph

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KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”) is a Swiss entity.  Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.

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