KPMG’s yearly Shoebox Initiative for Children

KPMG’s yearly Shoebox Initiative for Children

Once again, KPMG organised another successful annual Shoebox Initaitve.

Doreen Fenech

Partner, Tax Services

KPMG in Malta


The heart-warming Shoebox Initiative has become a yearly Christmas tradition for KPMG; a tradition close to everyone’s heart within the firm.  The Social and CSR Committee have been organising this generous initiative, and 2018 was no different.

As the Christmas season kicked off, each participating employee was assigned a specific child residing in an institute around the island. Employees then prepared a special gift for these children. To ensure that the children got the Christmas present that they truly deserved, employees were asked to include four items in their gift; an educational, hygienic and clothing item, and of course, something fun to play with. in this way, the children received an exciting as well as useful gift. The items were then placed in standard, wrapped-up shoe boxes, from were the initiative takes its name.

The shoeboxes were then collected by the members of the Social and CSR Committee and distributed to various institutes around Malta. A wonderful number of 180 boxes were collected during 2018.

Employees could also simply give a donation, as some institutes would require donations for specific projects. In 2017, a football tournament for the boys at St. Patrick’s was organised instead of the shoeboxes.

Doreen Fenech, the Head of the Social and CSR Committee said that every effort is made to make the children happy by giving them what they truly need.

KPMG’s yearly Shoebox Initiative for Children

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