KPMG lends a helping hand to SOAR Malta
KPMG lends a helping hand to SOAR Malta
Soar Malta is a service of the NGO St Jeanne Antide Foundation and they aim to be of support to victims and survivors of domestic violence.
After the software development team at KPMG assisted support group Soar with renovation works back in December, the rest of the KPMG firm recently extended their support towards this group through a donation of a number of laptops, clothing, as well as a financial donation.
The latter donation was collected during the firm's monthly Dress Down Day, on which day KPMG's Social and CSR Committee encourages employees to provide a donation for that month's chosen charity organisation. Laptops and clothing will be forwarded to SJAF's needy service users.
SOAR Malta is a service of the NGO St Jeanne Antide Foundation and they aim to be of support to victims and survivors of domestic violence. Their main goal is to ease the recovery process of such survivors and their children.
In December, KPMG Software had assisted the group with renovation works at their building in Tarxien, which is a space designed for providing support and training for vulnerable women to eventually find suitable employment. Soar required the help of volunteers to ensure a safe building is created for such domestic violence victims.
© 2024 KPMG, a Malta civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved.
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