KPMG iGaming initiative raises much needed funds for ALS Malta

KPMG iGaming initiative for ALS Malta

Combined funds of €9,000 have been raised for the ALS Malta Foundation by a number of iGaming operators through KPMG in Malta’s iGaming Initiative. GiG Gives, SiGMA, Microgaming and L&L Europe have all raised funds alongside KPMG Malta to support this incredibly important cause.

KPMG iGaming Initiative Raises Much Needed Funds for ALS Malta

Some months ago, with the prospect of a bigger and better ‘Dar Bjorn’ on the horizon, KPMG in Malta decided to assist the ALS Malta Foundation in its fundraising efforts. ‘Dar Bjorn’ has played an integral role in improving the lives of ALS patients since its inception.

Founded by Bjorn Formosa in August 2015 after he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) himself, The ALS Malta Foundation has grown phenomenally in a short space of time.

The organisation is working towards raising more funds in a bid to help raise awareness, better the lives of ALS sufferers, and improve ALS and Motor Neurone Disease (MND) research at the University of Malta. 

Along with the Research Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT), the organisation is making great strides in its bid to improve the lives of ALS and MND sufferers.

The organisation offers significant support to ALS and MND sufferers on the island of Malta.

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