KPMG's drive to increase organ donors

KPMG's drive to increase organ donors

KPMG’s Social and CSR Committee have joined the collective effort of increasing the amount of registered organ donors.

Doreen Fenech

Partner, Tax Services

KPMG in Malta


Partners and employees were encouraged to participate in this highly-altruistic initiative, as organ donation forms appeared in their inboxes.

As there are over 150,000 people awaiting organs in the EU alone, the Committee urged the staff to also encourage family and friends to contribute to this good deed. To be able to register as an organ donor, individuals need to be sixteen years or over. If after registering, individuals change their mind, they may opt out anytime they wish, however, with the new legislation, relatives will not be permitted to overturn one’s decision. Hence, individuals are encouraged to discuss their decision with loved ones. The registration forms also allow donors to specify which organs/tissues they wish to donate.

KPMG succeeded to register 62 new organ donors. “One donor can help save 8 people’s lives and can improve the lives of a number of others’,” explained Doreen Fenech, Head of Committee. The Committee are undertaking this effort on behalf of The National Human Organ and Tissue Donation Register.

KPMG's drive to increase organ donors

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