KPMG donates €700 to Caritas at Freshers’ Week
KPMG donates €700 to Caritas at Freshers’ Week
As part of its ongoing efforts to contribute to the community, KPMG has donated €700 raised during Freshers’ Week to local charity Caritas.
The money was raised as part of KPMG’s recent campaign at University of Malta with the theme ‘What will your story be?’, which invited students to explore the vast range of paths their career could take.
The firm made a donation of behalf of each student who participated in an interactive Treasure Hunt, that combined social media elements with more tangible challenges with the aim of helping University newcomers become more familiar with their campus. Every member of the winning team was awarded a pair of wireless headphones, but the major pull-factor for students was the opportunity to help others.
“Helping those in need is very important to us,” commented Pierre Portelli, Partner at KPMG, “and this year we decided to once again put charity at the centre of our Freshers’ Week campaign through our Treasure Hunt, which proved to be very popular with students. Caritas makes a huge contribution to the community by working tirelessly for the common good, and through our contribution we are proud to be part of their story.” Caritas expressed their sincere gratitude and appreciation to KPMG for the donation, which will be used to further its cause.
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