Keeping Fit at KPMG
Keeping Fit at KPMG
On the 4th of May, KPMG Malta launched Health Week - a bid to raise more awareness on the need to eat smart and lead a healthy lifestyle.
The motor behind this initiative was the Social Committee, composed of representatives from the different functions, who organized a week of healthy living activities.
Presentations on Healthy Eating, Keeping Fit and Stress Management were held by leaders in these fields. The presentations provided insight into the detrimental effects of bad dietary habits while providing advice on ways to break the vicious cycle and embrace a well-balanced diet complemented by regular physical exercise.
Circuit training sessions were organized after office hours and different types of fruit and smoothies were placed on all floors for staff to enjoy. The initiative was very well received by all members of staff at KPMG and there are plans to hold such activities more often.
© 2025 KPMG, a Maltese civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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