KPMG takes the children of St. Rita Home for a Fun Day

KPMG takes the children of St. Rita Home for a Fun Day

A fun day out for 19 kids from St.Rita Home.

children in a home

It was going to be a fun day out for 19 kids accompanied by four nuns from St. Rita Home as they rushed up onto the coach waiting for them in Tarxien last Saturday morning on their journey to the Seabank Hotel in Mellieha. KPMG organised a fun day for these kids in collaboration with the Seabank Hotel.  At the hotel the children got the chance to spend a whole morning playing in the play area, then chewing through a scrumptious pizza for lunch and after playing several games, dancing and watching a puppet show produced by the hotel’s animators. Both the KPMG staff present for the event and the children enjoyed the day very much and found it very hard to say goodbye when the time came to head home. KPMG has held similar CSR events for children in homes in the past and plans to continue with this tradition in the years to come.

© 2025 KPMG, a Maltese civil partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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