Appointment of two new Directors
Appointment of two new Directors
Mr Jan Grech and Mr Kevin Mifsud have been appointed as new directors.
Mr Grech originally joined the firm in 1999. He holds a post-graduate diploma in management from Henley Management College and a practitioner certificate in project management from the APM Group. He is a full member of the Malta Institute of Management and the British Computer Society. During the course of his 25 year career, Mr. Grech has provided advisory services to a wide range of clients, in both the public and private sector, locally and overseas. He was appointed Associate Director in 2009. Today, he leads a team of economists, accountants and business advisors in providing operational strategy and improvement, and EU related advisory services to the firm’s clients.
Mr Mifsud joined KPMG in 1998 after obtaining his Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons.) from the University of Malta. He is a registered auditor and is mainly responsible for the audits of general purpose financial statements of a number of private and public companies operating both in local and foreign jurisdictions. During his experience at KPMG, he has led a number of audit engagements in the telecommunications, software development, manufacturing and retailing sectors and participated in the firm’s quality performance review programmes on audit services provided by other member firms. Mr Mifsud has also provided training on International Financial Reporting Standards to corporate clients operating in the public sector and financial services. In April 2009, he was appointed Associated Director in the audit function. During 2010, he obtained a Diploma in Corporate Finance Treasury and Portfolio Management from the Malta International Training Centre.
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